Welcome to my Project Page!
Here you will find Art Education projects I have tested and designed for 6th-12th graders incorporating technology into the classroom.
Project One: Video Podcast
The Art of Candle Making
A short video podcast showing you a little bit about my craft:
Creativity comes in many shapes and forms for me, but candle making is my favorite. I started candle making a little over a year ago in my makeshift lab, my childhood bedroom in my parents house. I have since founded a business alongside my brother called, Kin Candle Co. We specialized in candle making workshops and customized candles. Candle making isn't just a craft, it's a science too! I spend a lot of time developing formulas to create the safest and best smelling candles. I get my scent inspiration from nature walks, memories, and places that are special to me. I’ve poured thousands and thousands of candles over the past year. The most I’ve ever poured in one day is 400! Candle making is the perfect art form that encompasses all of my senses– From the different aromas, waxy textures, and endless experiments, I truly feel present when engulfed in a pour. Thanks for listening, and stay lit!
My video podcast process
Overall, I really enjoyed making this video podcast. I have a background in video and sound editing, so this form of media comes naturally to me. I used Adobe Premiere for both editing my video and sound because this program gave me a wide variety of tools to use. When it comes to teaching art and technology in secondary education, I definitely recommend using iMovie and Audacity to begin. Video editing can be challenging for some (especially going from hands-on art to digital art). However, once students get familiar with the tools and process, they will realize that it is very similar to collage. We take videos and cut them up to form a new video, just as a collage uses cut up pieces of paper to create a new image. iMovie and Audacity are user friendly and a great introduction to beginning students to spark their interests in video and sound art, filming, and podcasting. This is a great project idea that allows students to express creativity visual, audibly, and through sharing the final works.
Project Two: Lesson Plan Incorporating Technoloy
Road Map Collage, high school lesson plan using Bitmoji app

My example of the Bitmoji Collage Road Map
Anticipatory Set
This is a quick, 2 minute animated collage that will play before we introduce the lesson plan. This animation is intended to get the students excited about the collage project and open up their minds to the endless possibilities of collage.
PowerPoint Presentation
Art History Presentation
Lesson Plan
Collage Worksheet
Grading Rubric

Sometimes group projects can be challenging, but this was not the case working with Dania and Gabriel to create this technology based lesson plan. There were three of us in total, and we all worked really well together. I felt like the lesson plan components were evenly split up, and each group mate but forth his/her best effort. While we all had separate tasks to work on, a lot of the material we came up collaboratively. We consistently updated each other on our progress via group text. We used Google Docs which was the best and most efficient way to share information with each other. This was one of the best experiences I had working in a group. From what I have learned working with my amazing teammates, I hope to take this experience with me when I do collaboration work as a future educator. I believe that collaboration is extremely important in education because it helps strengthen our interpersonal communication skills, time management, and responses to constructive criticism.
Project Three: 3D Modeling
3D printed model of my teacher "patronus"

digital 3D
final printed 3D model

Working in Tinkercad was all new to me! I have never done any time of digital 3D modeling, so I was definitely intiminated by this project. At first it was challenging using Tinkercad, but after tinkering around for a while, I eventually got the hang of working in a digital 3D space. After a couple reditions, I ended up with my final model of a 3D Egyptian Cat. I chose to make an Egyptian cat because as an art teacher, I love learning about ancient Egyptian art. In ancient Egypt, cats were often depicted as gods or dieties in art. As a cat lover myself, I appreciate how sacred cats were to the ancient Egyptians. As a wearable pendant, this Egyptian cat is a something I can wear around my neck as a symbol of art history knowledge and passion for the arts.
Project Four: Animation
stop motion animation of my candle brand, KIN Candle Co.

rough story board outline press play to watch the final stop motion "How to Make a Candle"
Overall, I really enjoyed making this stop motion. It's been a while since I've done an animation project, and this stop motion was the perfect refresher. I decided to do a stop motion about candle production for my candle brand, KIN Candle Co. I made this animation with the purpose for creating a commercial ad while still tying in elements of fine art. This stop motion takes a whimsical spin on how to make a candle. The most challenging part was shooting the photos. In the future, I will work with a partner that way one person can shoot while the other one sets up the scene. My favorite part was editing the photos as a final video in post production using Adobe Premiere. Video editing and photography have so many creative channels to explore– I'm glad I got reacquainted with animation!
Project Five: Tutorial Video
how to make paper beads out of up-cycled magazines
This was the most challenging project by far! As a teacher, I feel comfortable teaching a classroom of students; however, in front of the camera, it was hard to demonstrate my lesson. It was difficult presenting to "no one" while giving this demo. Because it was a video, making mistakes was hard to recover from. If I were to do it over again, I'd have someone assist me. This would help me feel more comfortable talking to someone who is in the same room as me. I could have also used help focusing my camera while I was teaching the demo. Overall, this was a challenging project that I'm glad I got to take part in. I can see the benefits of showing tutorial videos to a classroom setting. This can help students who were absent when a demonstration was presented or students who need a refresher.